- Antiques, Collecting, Museums, Traffic and Beauty
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- Sun 11 February, 2024
14:30Conversations Hall | Centro Citibanamex
Giovana Jaspersen (Director at Museo Franz Mayer), Daniel Liebsohn (collector and cultural manager) and Alfonso Miranda (Curator of ZⓈONAMACO SALÓN DEL ANTICUARIO). Moderator: Boris Hirmas (collector and entrepreneur).
The so-called "antiques" have been the crucible of collecting. Objects coated with symbols that have been desacralized and allude to a past time to revitalize the discourses of the present. A network of signifiers of transversal collecting that, in harmony by contrast, merge into a hyper-contemporary everyday life. A conversation between collectors and cultural managers to engage in a review of the object in its historical, museum dimension and the controversies surrounding the trafficking of those objects, their repatriation in the face of the war mutiny and bordering on the identity and symbolic processes involved, as well as the conservation of the heritage of those works that deconstruct and reconstruct function, time and beauty.